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Why You Should Read As Often As Possible

Many of us know that reading is a hobby, but it’s more than just a leisure activity. Reading can be beneficial in many ways and can improve your memory, increase empathy, and give you something to discuss at the dinner table with other people. Reading is also great for learning new skills because it exposes you to different thinking and problem-solving methods. Lots of people use reading as an escape or form of stress relief. This article will give you some reasons why it is important to read.

Opens The Mind


The more you can learn about different cultures and ideas, people and places, events and concepts, etc., the more open-minded you will be to other viewpoints. Maybe reading a book that takes place during World War II makes you more sympathetic towards refugees in a particular part of the world.

Maybe reading a novel in which a character comes from a different country makes you more empathetic towards people different from yourself. Or perhaps you read about an idea or discovery that interests you and motivates you to learn more about it. Reading can expand your mind, opening up new perspectives to consider!

Memory Booster


If books were food, they would be balanced meals for the brain composed of protein (words), carbohydrates (grammar and punctuation), and essential fats (visualizing what’s happening). That sounds like something out of a commercial for superfoods, but it’s true! Reading gives your brain all the nutrients it needs to function properly, just like how eating vegetables helps keep your body healthy.

When you grasp new vocabulary words through context, remember character details by visualizing the story, and understand how stories are structured using grammar, you develop your memory skills. The more you read, the better chance that you’ll win a game of Trivial Pursuit someday!

Improved Vocabulary


The more words you know and can recognize when reading, the easier it becomes to communicate with other people. Reading works out your brain so that it keeps up with the latest slang and idioms-even ones that might arise years after a book is published! You also increase your knowledge base by absorbing new vocabulary. Plus, there’s always something interesting to learn in every book because every author writes differently. They use different words, sentence structures, and stories. The possibilities are endless!

Escapism And Stress Relief


Reading is a form of escapism for a reason-it can take you to other places without ever getting on a plane or packing a suitcase. Books allow your imagination to run wild, whether you’re reading about a character’s life on another continent or a fictional universe wholly made up by the author. Sometimes readers seek out this escapist activity because they need an escape from something else in their lives.

If they’ve had a stressful day at work or school, figuring out what happens next in the story helps them stop worrying about their problems for a while. It also provides a healthy distraction from negative thoughts going through their minds. And sometimes, especially when they’re reading for fun, readers can feel completely transported to the imaginary world of the book without ever leaving!

Empathy Development


When you read about a character’s experiences in a novel, short story, or any piece of nonfiction writing, you gain greater insight into what life might be like for other people. When authors create unique characters with different personalities and backgrounds than your own, they are helping you understand that everyone has their own opinions and perspectives on the world. You don’t experience this just by watching TV shows or movies because most of them don’t have original dialogue written by the scriptwriter; the actors generally recite lines from someone else’s imagination. Books encourage you to process the information yourself.

Conversation Starters


If you’re stuck at a loss for words during a dinner party or any other social gathering, chances are there is a book on the topic of conversation somewhere in your home. Or maybe you haven’t read it yet! But if nothing else, you know enough about it from all of those hours spent lost in its pages that you can ask some questions and give your opinion on particular ideas or characters. That way, hopefully, no one will even notice that someone just asked a question about a television show instead of reading an actual book! Although this benefit is not exclusive to books, it’s one of the best things that reading offers people.

Strengthens Your Brain


Although many people brag about having good brains, there are ways to strengthen your mental muscles so that you can use them to their full potential. Reading fiction books is proven to help with this- especially ones that contain linguistic challenges like using obscure vocabulary words or complex sentence structures. You’ll also increase your problem-solving skills while reading. You’re forced to figure out what happens next in the book based on clues from the author. Maybe a character died on page 200, and it didn’t say anything about them being sick! With every book comes great power and superhuman abilities, perhaps even one day!


If you’re not already convinced that reading is important, hopefully, this article has expanded your horizons a little bit. Reading fiction books strengthens mental muscles through linguistic challenges, which can help make you smarter overall! Not only does it entertain people and provide opportunities to escape from their everyday lives, but it also increases their knowledge base and enhances brain functions.

There are always interesting things to learn about in every book because authors can write characters with different backgrounds or perspectives on life which helps readers gain empathy for others. Sometimes, people read books to escape stress, or negative feelings-books can be a form of healthy distraction. If needed, books are conversation starters for discussion topics at the dinner table or during social gatherings.